Edible Portland

David Schargel, in blue, offers “epicurean excursion” participants a sampling of Portland’s culinary prowess; below, a sampling of the single-source chocolates from Sweet Masterpiece, one of the excursion’s ports of call. (Photos by Aaron Rabideau) The last stop on my paperback tour for The House of Mondavi was Portland, Oregon, where I can truthfully, if…

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The James Beard Awards

Above, the author (center), her sister and her husband celebrate in style at the James Beard Awards ceremony. Below, Elisabeth Prueitt and Chad Robertson of Tartine Bakery share the award with the sweetest of their creations. (Tartine photo from Gothamist.com) It was hard to escape “Sex and the City” even at the black-tie 2008 James…

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“Sex and the City?” Please don’t forget me!

Who knew such a dainty garden setting would occasion talk of “the two Ls”? I’ve met a lot of wonderful people while touring to promote the paperback release of The House of Mondavi, but surely one of the most memorable was Helen Dufficy. Helen, a lively 91-year-old who lives in a retirement community called The…

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Allegro Romano

Although on this visit there were no San Francisco mayors at Allegro Romano, there were plenty of people to meet and greet. Photo from Allegro Romano Allegro Romano, a small Italian restaurant on San Francisco’s Russian Hill, is the setting for a key scene in The House of Mondavi. The restaurant was where Timothy Mondavi…

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